Java Programming In Telugu

Basic to Advance Java Programming & SQL in Telugu

Learn Java Programming from basic to advanced level. This master-level course is for you if you are looking to learn Java Programming in Telugu within a short time!

Note: Limited Seats Available
Course Details
2 Months
Course Duration
Teaching Language
Mode Of Teaching
Aug 5th, 2024
Start Date
Life Time
Content Access
Fee Stucture
Batch Timings
Monday to Saturday
06:00 PM – 08:00 PM
Course Syllabus

  • 1.Why Java
  • 2.Paradigms
  • 3.Diff b/w Java & Other (C,C++)
  • 4.Java history
  • 5.Java features
  • 6.Java programming format

  • 1.Introduction
  • 2.Class
  • 3.Object
  • 4.Static Keywords
  • 5.Constructors
  • 6.This Key Word
  • 7.Inheritance
  • 8.Super Key Word
  • 9.Polymorphism (Over Loading & Over Riding)
  • 10.Abstraction
  • 11.Encapsulation
  • 12.Abstract Classes
  • 13.Interfaces

  • 1.String
  • 2.String Buffer
  • 3.String Tokenizer

  • 1.Introduction to all predefined packages
  • 2.User Defined Packages
  • 3.Access Specifiers

  • 1.Introduction
  • 2.Pre Defined Exceptions
  • 3.Try-Catch-Finally
  • 4.Throws, throw
  • 5.User Defined Exception examples

  • 1.Thread Creations
  • 2.Thread Life Cycle
  • 3.Life Cycle Methods
  • 4.Synchronization
  • 5.Wait() notify() notify all() methods

  • 1.Introduction
  • 2.Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character, Boolean classes.

  • 1.Introduction
  • 2.Util Package interfaces, List, Set, Map
  • 3.List interface 7 its classes
  • 4.Set interface & its classes
  • 5.Map interface & its classes

  • 1.Introduction
  • 2.Member inner class
  • 3.Static inner class
  • 4.Local inner class
  • 5.Anonymous inner class

  • 1.Introduction
  • 2.Jdbc Architecture
  • 3.Types of Drivers
  • 4.Statement
  • 5.ResultSet a.Read Only ResultSet b.Updatable ResultSet c.Forward Only ResultSet d.Scrollable ResultSet
  • 6.PreparedStatement
  • 7.Connection Modes
  • 8.SavePoint
  • 9.Batch Updations
  • 10.CallableStatement

  • 1.Java AWT & Events
  • 2.AWT Basics
  • 3.Event Handling
  • 4.AWT Button
  • 5.AWT Label
  • 6.AWT TextField
  • 7.AWT TextArea
  • 8.AWT Checkbox
  • 9.AWT CheckboxGroup
  • 10.AWT Choice
  • 11.AWT List
  • 12.AWT Canvas
  • 13.AWT Scrollbar
  • 14.AWT MenuItem & Menu
  • 15.AWT PopupMenu
  • 16.AWT Panel
  • 17.AWT Dialog
  • 18.AWT Toolkit
  • 19.Java ActionListener
  • 20.Java MouseListener
  • 21.MouseMotionListener
  • 22.Java ItemListener
  • 23.Java KeyListener
  • 24.Java WindowListener
  • 25.Java Adapter classes
  • 26.Close AWT Window

  • 1.Introduction to Java Applet
  • 2.Creating an Applet
  • 3.Introduction to Java Application
  • 4.Difference between Applet and Application
  • 5.Life Cycle of Applets
  • 6.Methods of Applet Class
  • 7.Application Conversion to Applets
  • 8.Event Handling in Applet
  • 9.Images in Applets
  • 10.Playing Audio in Applet
SQL Course Syllabus

  • 1. Introduction Database
  • 2. Understanding DBMS vs RDBMS
  • 3. Gone through SQL Standards
  • 4. Sub languages of SQL
  • 5. Difference between 10g vs 11g vs 12c
  • 6. Installation of 12c
  • 7. About SQL*Plus and use of developer tool
  • 8. Datatypes in Oracle
  • 9. Operators in Oracle
  • 10. Understanding Schema design and objects

  • 1. How to use select statement in different ways to retrieve records?
  • 2. Working with Column alias
  • 3. Working with Table alias
  • 4. Data filtering and sorting with in single table
  • 5. Clauses and its types in oracle
    • Where clause
    • Having clause
    • From clause
    • Group by clause
    • Order by clause
    • Using clause
    • Constraint clause
    • For update clause

    • 1. Table creation using CREATE statement
    • 2. Creating table from another table
    • 3. Dropping a table using DROP command
    • 4. Altering the column of a table
    • 5. Modifying the column datatype in a table
    • 6. Renaming the column of a table
    • 7. Renaming an entire table
    • 8. Using truncate command
    • 9. Difference between Delete and Truncate command

    • 1. How to copy data from one table to another table?
    • 2. How to copy the structure alone from a table?
    • 3. Different types of inserting row to an existing table
    • 4. Updating any value of with in a record using UPDATE command
    • 5. Deleting a particular record from a table
    • 6. Using merge & insert all command [Implementation of Project 1 ]

    • 1. How to declare column level constraints?
    • 2. How to declare row level constraints ?
    • 3. How to add constraints to an existing table?
    • 4. Types of integrity constraints
      • Not null
      • Unique key
      • Primary key
      • Referential integrity
      • Check integrity
    • 5. How to enable and disable constraints?
    • 6. How to get information about constraints?

    • 1. Understanding Single row functions
    • 2. How to use single row functions using dummy table?
    • 3. Types of single row functions
      • String functions
      • Date functions
      • Mathematical functions
      • Conversion functions
      • Special functions
      • Analytical functions
    • 4. Working with multi row functions [Implementation of Project 2]

    • 1. Working with aggregate function
      • Count()
      • Sum()
      • Max()
      • Min()
      • Avg()
    • 2. Working with group by clause
    • 3. Working with having clause
    • 4. Difference between WHERE and HAVING clause
    RailWay Tickets Reservation System

    The management of booking, timetable, train, station, and fare details is the primary goal of the Python project on railway ticket reservation system. It oversees the management of all customer, fare, and booking information. Only the administrator is assured access because the project is entirely created on the administrative end.

    Bank Transaction Management System

    A straightforward project created with Python is the Simple Banking System project. The project only includes the administrative side. All of the fundamental operations, such as opening a new account, viewing account holders' records, viewing withdrawal and deposit amounts, requesting balance information, etc., are managed by the admin side. gui can be created if necessary.

    Calculator With Java Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT)

    This software project is a functionally enhanced version of a Calculator.AWT(Abstract Window Toolkit) is an API that helps in building GUI (Graphical User Interface) based java applications. GUI helps in user interactions using some graphics. set of classes and methods that are required for creating and managing the GUI in a simplified manner such as buttons,windows,frame,textfield,RadioButton etc

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    The training which Python Life provides is Industrial training. We are well known for our course curriculum. And whatever we teach is starts from scratch to advance level. Our well experienced instructors will be available for 24/7 to clear your doubts.

    Yes, all the concepts are taught from the basics to the advanced level and our instructors will make sure that the students are understanding or not before going to any futher topics.

    Of course, We at Python Life train the students according to the industry needs and specification, We also provide in-house projects and mock interviews.

    We don’t have any eligibility criteria for our courses as we teach from start to end, thus anybody interested in the course can join.

    Yes, you will be receiving a course completion certification from Python Life after submitting the projects at the end of the course.

    Sorry, No refunds.

    You can enroll by doing the payment from our website and right after payment you will receive the confirmation from our end and we’ll guide for further process.

    Yes, all sessions will be recorded and will be provided for the students.