SQL Course In Telugu

Basic to Advance SQL with Oracle

Become a Data Analyst. This master-level course is for you if you are looking to learn SQL in Telugu within a short time!

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Course Syllabus

  • 1. Introduction Database
  • 2. Understanding DBMS vs RDBMS
  • 3. Gone through SQL Standards
  • 4. Sub languages of SQL
  • 5. Difference between 10g vs 11g vs 12c
  • 6. Installation of 12c
  • 7. About SQL*Plus and use of developer tool
  • 8. Datatypes in Oracle
  • 9. Operators in Oracle
  • 10. Understanding Schema design and objects

  • 1. How to use select statement in different ways to retrieve records?
  • 2. Working with Column alias
  • 3. Working with Table alias
  • 4. Data filtering and sorting with in single table
  • 5. Clauses and its types in oracle
    • Where clause
    • Having clause
    • From clause
    • Group by clause
    • Order by clause
    • Using clause
    • Constraint clause
    • For update clause

    • 1. Table creation using CREATE statement
    • 2. Creating table from another table
    • 3. Dropping a table using DROP command
    • 4. Altering the column of a table
    • 5. Modifying the column datatype in a table
    • 6. Renaming the column of a table
    • 7. Renaming an entire table
    • 8. Using truncate command
    • 9. Difference between Delete and Truncate command

    • 1. How to copy data from one table to another table?
    • 2. How to copy the structure alone from a table?
    • 3. Different types of inserting row to an existing table
    • 4. Updating any value of with in a record using UPDATE command
    • 5. Deleting a particular record from a table
    • 6. Using merge & insert all command [Implementation of Project 1 ]

    • 1. How to declare column level constraints?
    • 2. How to declare row level constraints ?
    • 3. How to add constraints to an existing table?
    • 4. Types of integrity constraints
      • Not null
      • Unique key
      • Primary key
      • Referential integrity
      • Check integrity
    • 5. How to enable and disable constraints?
    • 6. How to get information about constraints?

    • 1. Understanding Single row functions
    • 2. How to use single row functions using dummy table?
    • 3. Types of single row functions
      • String functions
      • Date functions
      • Mathematical functions
      • Conversion functions
      • Special functions
      • Analytical functions
    • 4. Working with multi row functions [Implementation of Project 2]

    • 1. Working with aggregate function
      • Count()
      • Sum()
      • Max()
      • Min()
      • Avg()
    • 2. Working with group by clause
    • 3. Working with having clause
    • 4. Difference between WHERE and HAVING clause

    • 1. Understanding joins and its uses
    • 2. Types of joins
      • Equi join
      • Non – equi join
      • Self join
      • Outer join
      • Left & Right outer join
      • Full outer join
      • Cross join [Implementation of Project 3]

    • How to use set operators in a single table content?
    • Working with set operator types
      • UNION
      • ALL
      • MINUS
    • Working with pseudo columns using the following
      • ROWID
      • ROWNUM

    • 1. Importance of sub queries
    • 2. Using different types of sub queries
      • Single row sub queries
      • Multi row sub queries
      • Nested queries
      • Multi column sub queries
      • Correlated sub queries
    • 3. Using inline views and scalar queries [ Implementation of Project 4]

    • 1. Working with data query language using TCL
    • 2. Working with data control language commands
    • 3. Use of commit and rollback
    • 4. Use of savepoint and set transaction
    • 5. How to give system privileges to an user?
    • 6. How to invoke and revoke object privileges?
    • 7. How to create users and roles?

    • 1. Creating and working with Views
    • 2. Working with Synonyms
    • 3. Creating Index and clusters
    • 4. Working with in materialized view
    • 5. Understanding sequences and its types [Implementation of Project 5]

    • 1. Informal introduction to PL/SQL
    • 2. Advantages of PL/SQL
    • 3. Datatypes in PL/SQL
    • 4. Program structure of PL/SQL
    • 5. Embedding SQL statements
    • 6. Using conditional statements and loops

    • 1. What is cursor?
    • 2. How to create cursor?
    • 3. Using cursors in PL/SQL
    • 4. How to create explicit cursor?
    • 5. Creation of for loop cursor
    • 6. What are cursor parameters?
    • 7. How to use for update clause?
    • 8. What is ref cursors?
    • 9. How to use implicit cursors?

    • 1. What is an Exception?
    • 2. Describing Exception types
    • 3. Handling system defined exceptions
    • 4. Handling user defined exceptions?
    • 5. Sql code vs Sql errm
    • 6. Pragma exception_init

    • Creating procedures in Pl/SQL
    • Working with procedure parameters
      • IN parameter
      • OUT parameter
      • INOUT parameter
    • How to create procedures with cursors
    • How procedures return records?
    • What is Pragma autonomous transaction?

    • 1. Importance of function
    • 2. How to create functions?
    • 3. Difference between procedures and functions
    • 4. How to use inline functions?

    • 1. What is a Package?
    • 2. Reasons to use packages
    • 3. What is package specification?
    • 4. What is package body?
    • 5. How to instantiate package?
    • 6. How to initialize instantiated package?
    • 7. What are all the package state?

    • 1. How to create triggers?
    • 2. Benefits of trigger
    • 3. How to trigger a trigger?
    • 4. Using DML trigger & DDL trigger
    • 5. How to audit database using triggers?
    • 6. What are database level trigger?

    • 1. What is collection?
    • 2. How to use arrays?
    • 3. Using nested tables
    • 4. How to use index by value?
    • 5. Listing types of collection methods.
    • 6. General overview and discussion about DBA Concepts

    • Github Introduction
    • Account creation
    • Github Repository
    • Pushing Projects
    • Pulling Projects
    • ReadME File
    • Git Introduction
    • Git Installation
    • Git Clone
    • Git Status
    • Git Add
    • Git Commit
    • Git Push
    • Git Pull
    • Git vs Github

    • PowerBI Introduction
    • PowerBI Installation
    • PowerBI Query Editor
      • Introduction to PowerBI Query
      • Load
      • Transform
      • Extract
      • Data types and Filters in PowerBI Query
      • Inbuilt Column Transformations
      • In built Row Transformations
    • PowerBI Pivot table
    • Report
    • Table
    • Models
    • Visualization Charts
    • Fields
    • Analysis of Data
    • Creating Dashboards
    • Running Python Scripts
      • Data Visualization using PowerBI with Realtime Data sets
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    The training which PythonLife provides is Industrial training. We are well known for our course curriculum. And whatever we teach is starts from scratch to advance level. Our well experienced instructors will be available for 24/7 to clear your doubts.

    Yes, all the concepts are taught from the basics to the advanced level and our instructors will make sure that the students are understanding or not before going to any futher topics.

    Of course, We at PythonLife train the students according to the industry needs and specification, We also provide in-house projects and mock interviews.

    We don’t have any eligibility criteria for our courses as we teach from start to end, thus anybody interested in the course can join.

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