DevOps Course In Telugu

Basic to Advance
DevOps with AWS

Learn DevOps from basic to advanced level. This master-level course is for you if you are looking to learn DevOps in Telugu within a short time!

Note: Recorded Content
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100+ Hours

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Course Syllabus

  • Why DevOPS ?
  • DevOPS Introduction
  • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Agile
  • DevOps Basics

  • Linux Introduction
  • Flavours On Linux
  • Linux History
  • Linux Advantages
  • System Information
  • Hardware Information
  • File Commands
  • Vim Editor
  • Users
  • Groups
  • File Permissions
  • Networking
  • Compression/archive
  • Disk Usage
  • Package Installation
  • Scripting
  • Fhs/directory System
  • Linux Filters
  • Linux Man Pages
  • Project

  • Vcs History
  • Revision Control System
  • Subversion
  • Git Stages
  • Working Directory
  • Staging Area
  • Repository (Local, Central, Remote)
  • Git Installation
  • Git Add
  • Git Commit
  • Git Status
  • Commit A File Using Git
  • Configuration Of User
  • Ignoring Content
  • Git Hub
  • Git Repo’s (Private & Public)
  • Git Push
  • Git Pull
  • Git Cloning
  • Git Branch
  • Git Merge
  • Git Fork
  • Git Stash
  • Git Cherrypick
  • Git Revert
  • Git Merge
  • Github Fileadd
  • Advantages & Disadvantages
  • Interview Questions

  • Introduction
  • Java Project Structure
  • Problems Without Maven
  • What Maven Does
  • What Is Build Tool?
  • xml File
  • Requirements For Build
  • Maven Architecture
  • Maven Build Life Cycle
  • Maven Compile
  • Maven Test
  • Maven Package
  • Maven Deploy
  • Maven Clean
  • Maven Directory Structure
  • Generating War File
  • Generating Jar File
  • Maven Vs Ant
  • Interview Questions

  • Introduction
  • Workflow
  • Advantages
  • Jenkins Alternatives
  • Master – Slave Concept
  • Jenkins Setup
  • Java Installation
  • Git Integration
  • Maven Integration
  • Jobs In Jenkins
  • Maven Job, Task
  • Parameter Building
  • Choice Parameter
  • File Parameter
  • Branch Building
  • Schedule Project
  • Linked Projects
  • Jenkinsfile writing
  • Down Stream
  • Pipelines
  • User Management
  • Job as Code examples
  • Interview Question

  • Introduction
  • Level Virtualization
  • Docker Commands
  • Build Image From Container
  • Docker File
  • Docker File Components
  • Docker File Creation
  • Docker Volumes
  • Uses Of Volumes
  • Creating Volumes
  • Creating Volumes By Using Commands
  • Volumes (Container – Container)
  • Volumes (Host – Container)
  • Creating A Volume From File
  • Docker Port Mapping
  • Difference B/w Exec And Attach
  • Difference B/w Expose And Publish
  • Docker Hub
  • Docker Push
  • Docker Pull
  • Some Advance Commands
  • Interview Questions

  • History
  • Online Platform For K8s
  • Cloud Based K8s
  • Installation Tools
  • Container Scaleup Problems
  • Features
  • Docker Swarm Vs K8s
  • Architecture
  • Master Components
  • Node Components
  • Working With K8s
  • Role Of Master
  • Components Of Control Plane
    • Kube-api Server
    • Etdc
    • Features
    • Kube-scheduler
    • Control Manager
  • Node Components
    • Kubelet
    • Container Engine
    • Kube-proxy
  • Pod
    • Multi Container Pod
    • Limitations
    • Higher Level K8s Objects
    • Important Notations
    • Working
  • Bootstraping The Master Node (In Master)
  • Minkube Installation
  • Kubectl Installation
  • Deploying An App via Jenkins CICD
  • Interview Questions

  • History
  • Advantages & Disadvantages
  • Ansible Workflow
  • Chef Workflow
  • Ansible Inventory Host Pattern
  • Host Patterns
  • Ad-hoc Commands
  • Ansible Modules
  • Playbooks
  • Yaml
  • Variables
  • Handlers
  • Loops
  • Conditions
  • Vault
  • Roles
  • Ansible tags
  • Ansible Galaxy
  • User info
  • Differences B/W Tools
  • Interview Questions

  • History
  • Why History
  • Features
  • Phases Of Monitoring
  • Prometheus/Observability Architecture
  • How It Works
  • Pre Requisites
  • Dashboard Overview
  • Installation Of Prometheus/Observability
  • Google Cloud Observability
  • Interview Questions

  • Architecture Types
  • Application Layer
  • Presentation Layer
  • Data Layer
  • MicroServices Introduction
  • How to design an Best Architecture for the given use-case and tools

  • Why Cloud ?
  • AWS Account creation
  • Provision the VM’s to do the Labs on daily basis

  • Introduction to EC2 and instance types
  • Launch EC2(Linux and Windows)
  • Generating custom Public Key and Private keys for EC2 instances
  • Security groups
  • Volumes and Snapshots
  • Elastic Load Balancers – ELBs and Health check
  • Creating Billing Alarm and EC2 instance alarms.
  • Elastic Block store – EBS
  • Elastic File System

  • What is the Simple Storage Service (S3)?
  • Bucket policies
  • Access Control Lists(ACLs)
  • Storage classes
  • Versioning
  • Replication
  • Static Webhosting with S3 bucket

  • Default VPC
  • Subnets

  • Introduction to Teeraform
  • Installation to Teeraform
  • Main Commands for Terraform
  • Terraform INIT
  • Teeraform Plan,Apply,Destroy,Refresh
  • Terraform Creating Ec2
  • Terraform Initialization
  • Terraform State File

  • Security groups
  • Introduction to IAM
  • Users, Groups, Roles and Policies in IAM
  • Hands on - Users, Groups, Roles and Policies in IAM

  • Git
  • Maven
  • Jenkins
  • Docker
  • GKE
  • CICD
  • SpringBoot App deployment via Jenkins
  • MicroServices Deployment
Real-time Projects

In This Project We Are Going To Install All The Required Softwares That Are Used For Different Purposes In Real Time Activites.

In This Project We Are Going To Show case RoboShop Using Ansible

Tools Covered
What We Provide
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Frequently Asked Questions

The education offered by Python Life is industrial education. We are known for our course programs. And whatever we teach, it starts from scratch to advanced level. An experienced instructor is available to him 24/7 to clear any doubts.

Yes, all concepts are taught from basic to advanced level and the instructor will check if students understand before moving on to more subjects.

Of course, Python Life trains students according to industry requirements and specifications. We also conduct in-house planning and mock interviews.

There are no eligibility criteria for this course, which is taught from start to finish, so anyone interested in the course can participate.

Yes, you will receive a course completion certificate from Python Life when you submit your project at the end of the course.

Sorry, No refunds.

You can join by paying from our site. Immediately after payment, you will receive a confirmation from us to guide you through the further process.

Yes, all sessions will be recorded and will be provided for the students.